
Тема: Зимові свята.
   освітня: розширити знання учнів про зимові свята та традиції їх святкування в Україні    та Великобританії;
   дидактична: повторити лексичний матеріал теми, формувати навички аудіювання, удосконалювати навички читання, розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;
   розвиваюча: розвивати творчі здібності учнів, логічне мислення, слухову та зорову    пам'ять, уяву, пізнавальні інтереси учнів;
   виховна: виховувати шанобливе ставлення до народних традицій святкування       зимових свят.
Обладнання: аудіозапис пісні, відеофільм, роздатковий матеріал, новорічні листівки.
        Хід уроку
       I. Організаційний момент. .
1.    Привітання
•    Good morning, pupils. I am glad to see you.
•    Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.
2.    Введення в сферу іншомовного спілкування.
a) Фонетична зарядка.
 [ i ]- holiday, winter, Britain, little, din
[ ð ] - weather, the, this, with
 A poem:   I am the little New Year, ho, ho!
                   Here I come jumping over the snow
                    Shaking my bells with a merry din
                   So open your doors and let me in.
b) Мовленнєва зарядка.
Answer the questions: What is this poem about? Do you like winter? Why do children like winter? What holidays do we celebrate in winter?
3.Оголошення теми та мети уроку.
 Today at the lesson we are going to speak about such winter holidays as St. Mykola’s Day, New Year’s Day, Christmas in Ukraine and in Great Britain. We shall compare how they are celebrated in these countries.

III. Основна частина уроку.
1.    Лексична робота
What do you think of when you hear the word “holiday”?
Possible answers: I think of masks, guests, surprises, balloons, much fun, songs and dances, friends, family, games, costumes.

2.    Діалогічне мовлення
-    Teacher: The first winter holiday we are going to speak about is St. Mykola’s Day. When do we celebrate it? (the pupil’s answer). By the way, do you know that this holiday is celebrated on the same day in Ukraine and in Britain but we call it “St. Mykola’s Day ” and the British people call it “St. Nicola’s Day”?
-    Yes, we do.
-    Teacher: Why do all children like this holiday?
-    Pupils: Because he brings many presents.
-    Are you sure that St. Mykola brings presents to all children? Who knows? To answer this question let us listen to the song. Be ready to answer the question: Does St. Mykola bring presents to all children or only to well-bred?
   (звучить пісня про Святого Миколая і учні відповідають на запитання)

3.    Письмо.
    Teacher: The next holiday we shall speak about is New Year’s Day. Let’s make up a story about this holiday in Ukraine. In order to do this we should complete the sentences:
a)    New Year’s Day is on the… b) We usually put a nice … in our living-room. c) We decorate it with… d) Children like to… around it. e) We celebrate this holiday with … f) On New Year’s Eve Father Frost…
    One pupil reads the information about New Year’s Day.

4.    Читання
  Teacher: You do not know but I have a pen friend in Great Britain. Her name is Kate and she lives in London. Last week I got a letter from her and she told me about New Year’s Day in Britain. This is her story. But first of all let us divide into two groups: the first group is reading the text and the second group is preparing some questions to ask the classmates.

       A letter
     Hi, Natalia,
I am glad to hear from you. Now I want to tell you about New Year’s Day in Britain. New Year’s Eve is a day when people usually visit their friends. Most British people celebrate New Year’s Day at home with their family. Some people go to the parties. There is a lot of eating and dancing. In Scotland people bring a piece of coal for good luck in New Year. We also have fir-trees at homes but the British people put them before Christmas. At midnight people switch on TV and hear Big Ben chime. People send cards and wish each other “Happy New Year!”

(робота в режимі група 1-група 2: учні першої групи ставлять підготовлені запитання учням другої групи, отримують відповіді і в кінці роботи один учень першої групи підсумовує все, про що вони дізналися)

5.    Аудіювання.
     Teacher: to get some information about Christmas in Great Britain let’s watch a    film and Julia will tell us about it. But I want to ask you some questions before the film:
a) Where do people in Britain put Christmas presents?
b) What is the main Christmas dish?
c)    What do they finish their meal with?
(учні переглядають фільм і шукають відповіді на запитання)

   To know how Christmas is celebrated in Ukraine listen to your classmate’s story.
Ukrainian people celebrate Christmas on the seventh of January. It is a great religious holiday. The most interesting part of Ukrainian Christmas is Christmas Eve (Sviat-Vechir) with its wealth of ritual and magical acts. The “holy supper” on Christmas Eve is a meal of 12meatless and milkless dishes. A characteristic feature of Christmas is caroling which is very loved by children. The religious festival lasts three days and Ukrainians go to the church, sing carols, visit and entertain relatives and friends.

   A summary: So we can see that Christmas is celebrated differently in two countries: we celebrate it on the 7th of January while the British people celebrate it on the 25th of December, there are different dishes on the tables, but it’s a religious and family holiday in both countries.

IV.    Підведення підсумків. Oцінювання.
Teacher: today at the lesson we’ve talked about winter holidays. To make sure that you were attentive let’s play a game. There are some questions on my table, take one of them and answer it.
1.    Do the British people celebrate Christmas?
2.    Who brings children presents on New Year’s Day in Ukraine?
3.    When is St.Mykola’s day?
4.    Does St. Mykola give presents to all children?
5.    Do children have parties on New Year’s Day?
6.    When is St.Nicola’s day?
7.    Who brings presents on New Year’s Day in Britain?
8.    When is Christmas in Britain?
9.    When is New Year’s Day in Ukraine?
10.     When is Christmas in Ukraine?
11.     Do the British people send cards to each other at Christmas?
Домашнє завдання: виготовити листівку і привітати друга зі святом.

